Thursday, February 13, 2025

i couldn't have expressed more accuratelly, thank you Rita Rudner!

A thought provoking quote, possibly because , well life is what you make of it.  The same I feel is true of Love.  Love is a pretty strong thing, it has to be, it really takes a beating. 

 Not being one who really ever spent much time thinking about the bond that love is until I saw this quote by Rita Rudner.Used to enjoy her commentary on on David Letterman's show.  Now she is making me really think, but she also did that way back then.  And  whodathunk it just before Valentines Day. 


I love being married. It's so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.


So a Valentine message for my  other half., my old man of 45+ years;  the man of my hours, which are frequently spent finding the other sock in his pair of "lucky socks" Cleaning up  after, etc etc.  

"I do solemnly promise to, love, honor, try to peacefully coexist, not put dirt in you coffee, use your "lucky socks" for tinder and, to be there to hold your hand, as you hold mine..... well you get the idea.   After almost half a century together, we still love each  other, scream at each other and respect one another."~~~~me



i couldn't have expressed more accuratelly, thank you Rita Rudner!

A thought provoking quote, possibly because , well life is what you make of it.  The same I feel is true of Love.  Love is a pretty strong t...