Sunday, August 3, 2014


When I was a kid I never liked the start of August, in fact even when my little guy was in school, I didn't like it because it meant school was going to start, and  I never really like school very much.  Now I don't like it because it means the chill of winter is not far enough away.  Any way I plan on making the best of
  • Admit You're Happy Month this should be every month 
  • Family Fun Month, yes because it will soon be back to school days. 
  • National Catfish Month, yummyier than you might think 
  • National Eye Exam Month, no wonder the office was so fulllllll!!!!!!! 
  • National Golf Month no comment 
  • Peach Month,dribbles of your chin deliciousness
  • Romance Awareness Month   ???
  • Water Quality Month alawys
  • National Picnic Month  lets go!!!!I never like the start of Augus     
Weekly Events:
  • Week 1 National Simplify your Life Week
  • Week 2 National Smile Week
  • Week 3 Friendship Week
  • Week 4 Be Kind to Humankind Week
August, 2014 Daily Holidays, Special and Wacky Days: 1 National Raspberry Cream Pie Day 2 Chinese Valentine's Day/Daughter's Day - 7th day of 7th Lunar Month 2 National Ice Cream Sandwich DayNational Mustard Day first Saturday 3 Friendship Day - First Sunday in August 3 International Forgiveness Day - First Sunday in August 3 National Watermelon Day 3 Sisters Day - First Sunday in August 4 U.S. Coast Guard Day 5 Work Like a Dog Day 6 Wiggle Your Toes Day 7 National Lighthouse Day 8 Sneak Some Zucchini onto Your Neighbor's Porch Day - now that's nasty! 9 Book Lover's Day 10 Lazy Day 10 National S'mores Day 11 Presidential Joke Day 11 Son and Daughter Day 12 Middle Child's Day 13 Left Hander's Day 14 National Creamsicle Day 14/15 V-J Day - which date do you mark the end of WWII? 15 Relaxation Day - now this one's for me! 16 National Tell a Joke Day 17 National Thriftshop Day 18 Bad Poetry Day 19 Aviation Day 20 National Radio Day 21 Senior Citizen's Day 22 Be an Angel Day 22 National Tooth Fairy Day - and/or February 28 23 Ride the Wind Day 24 Vesuvius Day 25 Kiss and Make Up Day 26 National Dog Day 26 Women's Equality Day 27 Global Forgiveness Day 27 Just Because Day 28 Race Your Mouse Day -but we are not sure what kind of "mouse" 29 More Herbs, Less Salt Day 30 Frankenstein Day 30 Toasted Marshmallow Day 31 National Trail Mix Day


Spring fever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and me.

Merry March! It has been a cold winter, with what seemed like way to many days with icy roads from freezing rain.  And iced over driveways, ...