Merry March! It has been a cold winter, with what seemed like way to many days with icy roads from freezing rain. And iced over driveways, even the snow in the fields is much closer to ice than it is to snow.
Now is a time to go for a long drive down country roads and look for the beginnings of Spring.
Driving past the farm houses, barns and the cows in the fields, again. Gets me thinking about not the first warm Sunday meant a drive 'around the horn' , as my Dad would say 'to see what we could see'.
There was a good feeling in the air, excitement about the coming of warm weather, and the farewell to the doldrums of winter.
And then there was that fresh smell, that only early Spring has.

Perhaps then I am just wishing out loud, but winter seems to be loosing its grip! Seriously think that I have forgotten what past winters were like, which could be a big part of it. I am used to seeing the first blooms of Spring, but those determined little sprouts of green have not even broken the ground yet.
OK.OK. this is a bit weird, but even though circumstances caused me to temporarily abandon this post.
Fresh start, begins today. I HOPE!

These little gems popped thru to brighten ones day, and make my Spring Fever even worse. Sneaky, because they appeared almost overnight. {they are what prompted me to try to finish this post }
Seizing this brief bit of early Spring, because it won't last, this is just a preview and a very welcome one at that.
There are those sprouting potatoes that need to be put into the grown and a few preplanting chores that really don't feel much like chores, well not so much like work, anyway.
Yeah! I had better get to work before it snows again.