Saturday, April 6, 2024

Time to start some seeds

`~~~~whoever created this image , it is perfectly wonderful!!!!! thank you

looks like the old "50s"  dish drainer that was kept in the shed, only it didn't have any pretty plates in it,just garden tools

This image looks like the old "50s" dish drainer that is now kept in the shed.  No pretty plates in it, but often some herb plants usually just small garden tools now.

And so it begins!!!! With cut off milk carton filled with Dollar General  potting soil and joy in my heart making me feel like a kid again, a little kid helping {perhaps helping isn't the most accurate word} in the garden, which never seemed like work to me, it was more like magic.  After a few days I would go back and see tiny little plants where there was only dirt a few days ago.  A week or so later Those little home grown tomato and eggplant plants  were planted with the greatest of care.  

I remember how carefully Mom worked when she planted the vegetable she had started in papermache egg cartons. She always waited until just after Memorial day to plant them in the garden because a late frost would kill  her "plantchildren". No matter how much it seemed summer was here, she would wait.  There is not a enough time for newly planted tomatoes, eggplants, peppers and their kin to reach maturity in our short growing season.  Plants form the local greenhouse were  available, but a last resort because of the cost.

But that was then and this is now, the dinning room table is littered with seed packets, and white envelopes that are loaded with saves seeds. and by tonight every available window sill will have well labeled  milk carton bottoms filled fresh potting soil and hopeful,no, impatient little seeds. 

 UPDATES to follow, said the hopeful gardener.


Haiku~~~ spring rain

      rain pelts the windows puddles on  frozen ground smell of Spring's greening