Friday, November 3, 2017

November's full moon

For the past several nights, the moon has been hiding behind a thick blanket of clouds, I cannot blame Ladymoon for that.  The weather has been cold and dank.  But very late last night I was rousted by the calls of coyotes, they sang their minor key melodies long and loud, so I got up and to my surprise and delight, there  was a flood of moonlight in the mudroom.  And I  followed the example of the Addams family and settling into a chair and let the light wash over me like it was sunshine. 

Emily Dickenson once said that "November always seemed to me the Norway of the year."  Having spent part of my young life living next door to Norwegians, this has special meaning to me, in my romanticized view of it's rugged snow-covered landscape, pristine fiords, and solemn quiet.  Also they introduced me to the wisdom of the Runes, and the world of story telling and of course the tales of Tomten, trolls and ghosts. 

November is a time of gathering in and gathering together, both actions have given rise to names for this moon.   Calling this full moon the Snow Moon dates back to medieval times.  Other names for this moon are the  Tree Moon, Fog Moon, and Plum Moon, Deer Rutting Moon, Antler Moon and Blood Moon. 

One of the more unusual names for this moon is "Weselanew"  meaning the shaker of leaves, makes poetic scense as the fallen leaves skitter around making a swishing sound, or rattling as the rains and early sleet pelt down.


The leaves are ready to fall. The wind comes. Turbulence is felt in the waters and the skies. The earth is cooling down.


November derives its name from the Latin word 'Novem' meaning nine, and was the ninth moon in the Roman year. This marked the beginning of Winter. Traditionally, the Anglo Saxons did their slaughtering now (letting blood) because the cold weather was conducive to preserving the meat of the animal/bird. In the WESELÁNEW moon, fishing was undertaken mostly in the safety of local waters. This was the time when big winds come and changed the season to Winter.


The days became cooler and travelling in food gathering territory was limited. The winds that came with this moon were a signal to move to the winter village as the open sea became dangerous for movement in open boats.


Most foods were now in storage for the Winter and fishing was done only close to the village sites. The Saanich Peoples formed hunting parties and moved West into the mountains to hunt elk. Elk were only hunted after the first snowfall as it was easier to track an elk if it was wounded. This way no meat would be wasted.


Winter fires were lit and this was the beginning of Winter gatherings

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