Saturday, October 31, 2015

Samhain, wondering on cyber paper

Pumpkins in the woods, along a narrow path, peaceful, beautiful symbols of the abundance of the season.

Samhain is the gate to the new year, which starts tomorrow.  It really makes a lot of sense because, the old year is dead,  and the new year is but a developing seed and we cannot see it yet.  A path, shrouded in mist one can look down but not know what it is on it or  where it will lead.

The veil between worlds is said to be thin, and out ancestors can pass  through or at least pass messages to us and we to them.  There is evils out there waiting to be invited in, and so there are also bonfires, or needfires, and people gathered together to  celebrate, bless and be blessed by those around them. One of the explanations given for dressing in costume on this night is to confuse the evil,  another is to scare off evil. Family ancestors and townsfolk all mingled together, to wade off evil, honor the harvest, their ancestors, and look into the future and wonder.

Samhain can be and I think should be looked at as more a season than just one day.  There are many different components to this season, including food, fun and family celebrations,  and solemn moments that can't all be fit into one day.

  During this season the farm. household, game and woodland animals were honored.
 Ancestors are honored and  when I say ancestors I don't mean just the members of your bloodline. I mean ancient ancestors, and those ancestors who's graves are unmarked, those who had no one to honor them, and those who have been forgotten.  

 The light and growing part of the  year gives way to the dark and waiting part of the year, the King of Winter rules the land.  The hearth fire is extinguished and , rekindled.  And in the hours of darkness between the end of the old year and the beginning of the new there time and distance have little meaning.  Take some time to listen to you heart and the voices of those you honor.  Joyful Samhain and good things in the new/

Spring fever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and me.

Merry March! It has been a cold winter, with what seemed like way to many days with icy roads from freezing rain.  And iced over driveways, ...