Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas Day Ramblings

It was snowing gently,  when I leaned out the back door to look at the night sky, I was looking for the moon or a star, or most likely something to write about for Christmas Day.  There were no stars or moon, just a fierce wind and a very few snowflakes.  In the distance there were a few twinkling Christmas lights, not like when there were so many lights that they lit up the night. But that was then and this is now.

Somewhere high above my world , but also hurtling through space are stars, planets, suns, moons and myriad things I know nothing about.   And I wonder.

I wish all of you my gentle readers, a Merry Christmas.  I wish you a spark of the joy and anticipation of  the Christmas season to carry in your heart all through the year.


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