Sunday, March 2, 2014

goodbye February Hello! March.

Fair well to February!!!
February 2013 average temp 21.9F
February 2014 average temp 13.9F
I sorta had a clue it was colder than normal when the windows had frost on them and the doors froze open and /or shut depending on their own whims.  And when there was always a chill around the edges and sometimes to the core no matter how well the fire in the stoker was going.  Then there was the time the laundry froze to the dryer drum, and the cans of soda froze.  there was a thaw, for about 36 hours the temperature surged upward to near normal.  I may say it laughingly, but when you think 20 degrees is a heatwave, the other days must be pretty cold.
Still all of that running up and down the steps to keep the fire going made the longest days of the shortest month go pretty fast.  and it was pure joy to hibernate under a stack of blankets.
Can't say as much for having the bare skin of my hand freeze to doorhandles, winds that took my breath away, and going days on end not feeling warm enough. 
Daylight Savings time!
The average temperature slowly rise.
Kite flying in the fields!  Even though they are under a foot of snow now.
And like the New Year this month began with a new Moon.  The New Sap moon, maple sugaring  begins, or if you prefer the New Seed Moon, because it's time to order your seeds.


National Caffeine Awareness Month
National Celery Month
National Flour Month
National Frozen Food Month
National Noodle Month
National Nutrition Month
National Peanut Month
National Sauce Month

March 1 National Peanut Butter Lover's Day
March 1 National Fruit Compote Day
March 2 National Banana Cream Pie Day
March 3 National Cold Cuts Day
March 3 National Mulled Wine Day
March 4 National Poundcake Day
March 5 National Cheese Doodle Day
March 6 National Frozen Food Day
March 6 National White Chocolate Cheesecake Day
March 7 National Crown Roast of Pork Day
March 7 National Cereal Day
March 8 National Peanut Cluster Day
March 9 National Crabmeat Day
March 10 National Blueberry Popover Day
March 11 Oatmeal Nut Waffles Day
March 12 National Baked Scallops Day
March 13 National Coconut Torte Day
March 14 National Potato Chip Day
March 15 National Peanut Lovers Day
March 15 National Pears Helene Day
March 16 National Artichoke Heart Day
March 18 National Lacy Oatmeal Cookie Day
March 19 National Poultry Day
March 19 National Chocolate Caramel Day
March 20 National Ravioli Day
March 21 National French Bread Day
March 23 National Chip and Dip Day
March 23 National Melba Toast Day
March 24 National Chocolate Covered Raisins Day
March 25 National Lobster Newburg Day
March 26 National Waffle Day
March 26 National Nougat Day
March 27 National Spanish Paella Day
March 28 National Black Forest Cake Day
March 29 National Lemon Chiffon Cake Day
March 30 Turkey Neck Soup Day
March 31 National Clams on the Half Shell Day

March Holidays and Events:

This month in History:
  • March 12, 1912- The Girl Scouts were founded.
  • March 17, 1845 The rubber band was invented. Can you imagine life without them!?!
  • March 29, 1886- Coca Cola is invented.
  • Find more at More this Month

Among other things, March is:
  • National Nutrition Month
  • National Women's History Month

March Notes: Flower of the Month: Daffodil, Jonquil Birthstone of the Month: Aquamarine, Bloodstone Astrological Signs: Pisces Feb. 19 - Mar. 20; Aries March 21 - April 19 The Moon this month is called the Crow Moon, Lenten Moon, Sap Moon, Seed Moon.

Guest blogger on Tsougrisma: The Greek Easter Egg Game

It's nearly here!   Tsougrisma: The Greek Easter Egg Game   Wooden spoons and a straw nest holding Greek red Easter eggs.   © Provided ...