Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas with Ralphie

The house on Cleveland Street, has become a big part of my Christmas celebration.  I think I know most of the dialog, and the scenes I don't like....and damnation, the word theme makes me cringe!!!  I had a teacher like Miss Shields, but then probably you did too. That last week of school before Christmas was a never ending distraction from what was really important, besides the presents and that was the all too brief  Christmas vacation. It was never ever long enough. 

I always get a twinge of anticipation when they deliver that great big box marked FRAGILE,  Fraaageellay....think that is Italian for "major award".   Or may-be excelsior, oh what fun I could have, and what a mess i could make with a huge wooden box of excelsior. And then at last, the famous,leg lamp. I want a leg lamp, in fact I am  saving up for one, fishnet hosiery was shall we say a bit tacky, but fun.

One year I was lucky enough to be in the big city of Pittsburgh, at Christmas time, and the  got to visit with Santa, who I was sure was the real deal, not the guy who sat in the garishly painted yellow chair at the end of the toy isle in our towns department store, the name of which eludes me right now.  I never wanted a BB gun,  but there were plenty of things I did want.

We always cut our own tree, well usually my Dad did that, he loved Christmas, and  was always bringing home new decorations. and trees that were much too large.
 I also remember those extremely hot to the touch and temper mental to use 7 watt tree lights.
Much better for setting fire to a tree than the more modern mini-lights.

 It just wouldn't be Christmas without a trip to Ralphie's house.And so now with "24 Hours of a Christmas Story" almost here,  looking forward and backward to laughing at the same old stuff, and  watching the sky for snow.  knowing exactly when to get up for a snack, because  know the story word for word. 

Full pink moon April 23

    phlox, wood hyacinth look up at the full pink moon dew glows in it's light