Thursday, November 10, 2011

November full Moon, a beginning

The Celts had the right idea. Starting the new year, after the harvest, and before winter set in.  The earth is not dead under the  frosts and snow it is resting and renewing itself, before it bursts forth in Springtime.  In a time even before books, this was a time to turn inward, not just for introspection, but for expressing ones skill and creativity, for rest and storytelling. I image that even in the poorest homes there was singing and dancing , and games to pass the long dark hours, and hobbies that couldn't be carried pout during the rush of duty that if left undone would make  the uncertainty of surviving winter all the more uncertain.  It has been less than a century since preparing for winter meant having enough kindling and fuel, potatoes, cabbages, apples and salted meat and fish to make it through the winter.

With that in mind I have decied to call this the Moon of New Beginnings.  looking forward and looking inward, new bieginnings of expression and  just standing in awe.   Dedicate it to plans that you know you can make come true, and may-be a few dreams.   To getting to know oneself, and be at ease, doing nothing but alowing rest to rejuvinate.

Itartoryuk Moon (Inuit).
Tree Moon (Neo-Pagan).
Poverty Moon (Mohawk).
Trading Moon (Cherokee).
Geese Going Moon (Kiowa).
Falling Leaves moon (Sioux).
Fledgling Raptor Moon (Hopi).
Deer Ruting Moon (Cheyenne).
Freezing River Moon(Arapaho).
Snow Moon (Mediaeval English).
Mourning Moon : Full, Dead : Dark (Janic).
Corn Harvest Moon (Taos Native American).
Snowy Morning Mountains Moon (Wishram).
All Gathered Moon (San Juan Native American).
Beaver Moon, Frosty Moon (Algonquin Native American/Colonia).

Other moon names : Fog Moon, Deer Antler Shedding moon, Oak moon, Mad moon, Storm moon, Dark moon.

Full pink moon April 23

    phlox, wood hyacinth look up at the full pink moon dew glows in it's light