The great day is here!
Yes if you are a zucchini grower, or perhaps one of the rare souls who hunt for zucchini, this is your Day!!
The pure joy of gifting your unsuspecting neighbors with a triple bagged bag filled with overgrown zucchini. Zucchini fit for use as baseball bats, cricket bats or something to throw at an invading hoards of Tyrannosaurus Rex. Or perhaps you know someone who makes all sorts of tempting dishes out of them.
My personal favorite is the soup my Mom made several time each winter, she called it "pumpkin soup" but that was about the only thing that we grew that she didn't add to it , was pumpkins.
I always have too many zucchini, until this year, when my young plants were munched out of existence by deer.. Squash vines are indeed considered a delicacy by some. But i prefer the flowers, dipped in batter and deep fried.
Look at those whooper zucchini!!! really I left one zuke on the vine to grow all season, but carefully removed the others when they were small and used the in various dishes. and canned a few for soup making come wintertime. the lone zuke grew to almost 3 feet long, the skin was seriously tough, and survived the winter nearly intact . In Spring it turned itself into compost, from which not one zucchini plant sprouted. OH, well!! Just as well.