Tuesday, June 11, 2024

a hermit, {when I ramble I ramble}


A hermit is simply a person to whom civilization has failed to adjust itself.~~~~Will Cuppy

Way back in the late 50's and early 60's,our small town movie theater ran all sorts of contests, like coloring contest, or even drawing your own picture, costume contests, poetry contests, name the mascot etc etc,etc and the prize was always movie passes.  I won my share, saw an awful lot of awful good but some were awfully bad.   I liked the movies about people who were castaways on islands in the South Pacific, or mountain men and women who roamed territory where no one ever live.  Explores who roamed a bit to far and found a lost civilizations.  People who roamed the world.   I wanted to be one of those  folks who lived in the middle of nowhere and thrived.  

 All were hermits in their own way .

 "Social Outcast" was a popular term for those who chose not to be smushed into the  mold of the accepted ones.   But they could have been called this person a non-conformist.  In fact they often were. Just a person chose a solitary life and independent life, not everyone's idea of a good life to be sure.  But then neither is a life filled with "people pleasing", and the judgements of others.  

Being alone, being ones own support versus not necessarily having to deal with the conventions of our cluttered world, well who knows, one can always change their mind and dive back into the mainstream of modern life.

 The definition of a hermit is a person who lives alone, by choice, sometimes for religious reasons.  Who also doesn't go out  in public often.  A recluse.  







Haiku~~~~mushrooms of the forest, composed with AI

          In the forest’s heart, Mushrooms whisper ancient tales, Peace in every step.