Monday, June 24, 2024

Ivy returns

Ivy is the main character in a number of  rambling chapters [for lack of a better term] I wrote several years ago.  Most are totally fiction, but some aren't.  Many of the ones I liked best are on this blog.

As soft as smoke and hard hails

The old  Hutton's Market, with it's immense parking lot was  gone, every trace of it.  And in it's place was the new town square, with an impressive gazebo.  It wasn't what Ivy wanted to see there. She wanted to see a playground, like the one that had been there when she was a kid.  Playground with  with swings and teeter-totters,  the huge sliding board which was also popular with adults and almost adults.  Oh, how she loved the handle bar swings that were for the older kids: they were her favorite she used to challenge other kids to see who could get them swinging highest, and then terrify everyone by jumping off them when they slowed down. 

Tonight she sat at the speakers table with the Mayor and other dignitaries and donors.   Ford sat next to her.   "I have something to ask you ask, lovely lady." he said " do you like my new retired guy look."   She studied his stubbly beard, chambray shirt and working mans dungarees...trying to look very serious for she didn't want him to  see how approving she was.  Then looked up at him and smiled, Ford leaned down and kissed her just as the Mayor began speaking. The world didn't stop for anyone, other than  her and Ford, who both giggled , alot.  For the next few moments they exchanged shy smiles as the  Mayor continued to talk.   The High School principal was the next speaker. he introduced the student committee who had named the park and who had also helped plan the location of walkways and benches.     The mayor returned to the podium and introduced, the Garden club president, and then a representative of the Boy Scouts and Girls scouts , the woman who had made the wrought iron arch, and the students from the technical School, who had built the gazebo.   Ford was just finishing his slice of Toll house Pie when Mayor Slicker  returned to the podium, and tapped the microphone,  and clearing his throat and  with all the ceremony he could muster he said  "And now  it is my honor and privilege, as Your Honor the mayor to present Mr. Mullford Biddle."  There was a silence, "Oh! that's me!"   Mr. Mulford Biddle blurted out. Put down his fork and napkin, and walked barefoot to the podium.
"Hello everyone!  Mayor thank you for  that glowing introduction."  He sood stock still for a couple of seconds,  Smiled braodly as he brushed bak his hair,  " I have spent much of the last  45 years addressing board meetings and conferences I know why they call them board meetings because they are dull and boring,  but as you can see I am a retired man now.  So I think we should all  have some more of this outstanding  toll house pie and then please get up and dance, even if like me you don't know how. "   He then returned to his seat accompanied but thunderous applause.   Ford bowed,  applauded back, and then sat down to finish his pie.   Ivy studied him as he ate.  The band began to play, but no one danced.   "I think we should give the band a reason to keep playing."   Ivy and Ford walked hand in hand to a place near the gazebo, and back into time, to a time when they were first met.  Others joined them,  not that Ford or Ivy noticed any of them.


More famous now than then

This afternoon, while I was working in the garden, a sudden storm came up, thunder and lightening, pelting rain and a strong wind.  And it r...