Friday, December 5, 2014

More Decor

Something very cool from    Pink Pistachio

Let It Snow!

I can remember the first time my mother showed me the beauty found in a single snowflake. Although teeny tiny, each one is uniquely different. Ever since, I’ve kind of adored snow. Some may say, even to the extreme (so what if I prayed for snow a time or ten).
At the top of our stairs rested some empty apothecary jars. It seemed only fitting to make snow scenes. The first attempt did not include the lights. Still beautiful but not magical. But let me tell you, finding that extra strand of lights (ironically with white wire) at the bottom of our Christmas bin was like finding gold!
Snowy Christmas magic all. day. long!

Start to Finish Time – 10 minutes. Apothecary jars (old) – Home Goods and World Market. Snow, trees, and village pieces ($1.00 – $4.00) – Walmart, Mini Lights (100) – Target

a few words from Steven Hawking

      "the greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge." Here are some other quotes by Stephen H...