*Rustic Snowflake Tutorial*
I have a few requests for a "How-To" on the Rustic Snowflakes I posted a couple of days ago so here it is! This DIY Craft is great because there is no "correct" way of doing it--you can add what you want as you go! The Rustic Snowflakes can be as simple or complex as YOU want! I enjoyed making all 8 of mine completely different to add more visual interest and to keep my creativity flowing!
Materials needed to create Rustic Snowflakes:
- Twigs
- Hot Glue Sticks
- Hot Glue Gun
- Pruning shears or really sharp scissors
Materials needed to make your Rustic Snowflakes BEAUTIFUL:
(This part can be totally up to you--it's your craft so make it your way! I am simply suggesting the things I used, feel free to copy or change it up!)
- Pine needles (Michaels $4.00..Also used to make this)
- Pine needles with snow
- Button Stickers (Michaels $1.50 each)
- Berries
- Twine
- Felt
I used scraps of twine, felt, berries, and the snow covered pine needles I currently had in my "craft corner" of our spare bedroom. Check out your own collection and see what you have before making any purchases!
Making Your Rustic Snowflake
1. Gather all of your materials.
2. Cut twigs to your desired size, cutting four long and four short.
3. Lay out your twigs in the design of your choice.
4. Cut a small square out of your felt scrap.
5. Hot glue your four longer twigs onto the felt square like shown:
6. Hot glue your four shorter twigs onto the felt square in the four remaining
Hint: As you are gluing your twigs onto the felt
square, make sure you are putting the prettiest side
of the twig facing you.
square, make sure you are putting the prettiest side
of the twig facing you.
7. This step is the beginning of making your snowflakes look pretty :) Begin
hot gluing your pine needles into place.
8. Hot glue your snow covered pine needles wherever your heart desires!
9. Continue jazzing it up with button stickers and a bow made out of twine!
Although it appears finished, I am going to take it a few steps further to show you how I made my other snowflakes with a little more detail :)
10. To add extra detail to your twigs (for more of the snowflake appearance),
find a thinner stick and cut into very tiny pieces.
Hint: Cut one side on an angle as shown:
11. Hot glue your smaller, thinner pieces onto your twigs and create your very
own snowflake design. The angled side gets glued onto the twig and fits
perfectly, making it very easy!
12. Continue hot gluing your smaller pieces of twig until you are satisfied
with your design. For this particular snowflake, I was not thrilled with
where the design was going, so I simply added more until I liked it!
13. If you do not want to cut the angled pieces of twig, you can cut straight
edges to create this effect:
When you are pleased with your work, show it off :)
Some ideas how to use your Rustic Snowflakes:
- Attach ribbon or fishing line to make ornaments (great gift idea for loved
- Hot glue snowflakes onto red ribbon evenly spaced, to create a banner for
displaying your Christmas cards
- Hot glue snowflakes unto a "Merry Christmas" banner you already own
- Using ribbon or fishing line, hang snowflakes from chandelier or other
light fixture in your home
- Hang, using thumb tacks or sticky tack, on your wall as art! (Adam's
(Fishing line works great because it is sturdy and becomes invisible!..Can you tell I grew up with a fisherman as a father?!)
Here are my Rustic Snowflakes displayed in our home at the top of our staircase (Thank you Adam for this great idea!):
Fun centerpiece I threw together with my scraps! |
Thank you for reading, happy crafting