Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Where even the brave dare not go, grocery shopping before a holiday

Two days before Thanksgiving
I went to the store
my cupboards were groaning
but I needed more
I had a list
oh what a bore

the parking lot was crowed
loose carts everywhere
so laden with provisions
did anyone dare
forget the most obscure morsel
would show lack of care

potatoes and onions and celery
what is stuffing bread?
condensed milk and red beets
ran through my head
mini marshmallows and rice crispies
for the feast ahead

I dreamed of the flavors
I savored the smell
I wished to see smiles
on their faces as well
I spied some sale candy
I was hungry as well

The isles were crowded
I saw more people that live in town
And all said "Happy Thanksgiving"
as we floundered around
And dreaming of culinary magic
with each treat we found

My cart was overflowing
as the aisle became fuller
I looked in my wallet
and saw it was thinner
but thankful for "plastic"
I would  still have dinner

And to the checkout
I was aimed like a bullet
my cart so well laden
that I had to pull it
and only one cashier
wanted nothing to do with it

chatting politely while standing in line
glad its not snowing
when we would get home
we had know way of knowing
would our turkeys thaw out
anxiety was growing

a fine haul of victuals
I had reason to brag
 where is the turkey?
is this a gag?
then off in the corner
I spy one last bag

Kite flying and cloud watching

The word "iconic" is so over used it is now "iconic", but I digress, already!  Sorry, not sorry because March is all abo...