Wednesday, November 19, 2014
"Grow ideas in the garden of your mind." ~~MisterRodgers
"All you have to do is think ands it grows."
MisterRodgers, once said that his ministry was expressed through music. So i feel that he would really love this remix.
Quietly and simply he explained some eztremely complex ideas, like how the mind works.
Did you ever imagine things?
Are they scary things?
Did you ever imagine things
Things you'd like to have?
Did you ever see a cat's eyes in the dark
And wonder what they are?
Did you ever pretend about things like that before?
Did ever grow anything in the Garden of your Mind?
You can grow ideas
In the Garden of your mind
It's good to be curious about many things
You can think about things and make believe
All you have to do is think
And they'll grow
Imagine every person that you see
Is someone different
From every other person in the world
Some can do things
Some can do others
Did you ever think about the many things you've learned to do?
Did ever grow anything in the Garden of your Mind?
You can grow ideas
In the Garden of your mind
It's good to be curious about many things
You can think about things and make believe
All you have to do is think
And they'll grow
Did you feel like going like that? (hand snap)
Let's give the fish some food
Mr McFeely, I didn't order any whistles
(music break)
That's what they call these slide things
Did you feel like going like that? (hand snap)
There are so many things to learn about in this world
And so many people who can help us learn
Did ever grow anything in the Garden of your mind?
You can grow ideas
In the Garden of your mind
It's good to be curious about many things
You can think about things and make believe
All you have to do is think
You can think about things and make believe
All you have to do is think
And they'll grow
The first measurable snow of the season, and it arrived just on time. Snow usually shows up about now, real snow, snow that sticks to the ground, snow that makes it nice to be indoors.
While working in the gaeden I let my mind to wander, but for me anyway it is not a good opportunity to actually think and plan. or to ponder. I surf my own mental net and just see what is there , whatever random, or nearly forgotten artifact of a plan remains, the half remembered curiosities I have come across, those thoughts so deep and answerless, and it drifts over the vastness of space and time, causing me to wonder about things like if I didn't know that the stars were suns of distant solar systems, what might I think they were.
Many ideas and thoughts of often the most random ones come to while I am doing mundane work. And strangely I am sometimes grateful for mundane and repetitive tasks for that reason. That must be where the seeds for the garden of my mind come from, or one of the places at least.
For obvious reasons, the idea of your mind being like a garden, makes a lot of sense to me. There are the seeds and plants that you put there and the weeds that plant themselves there. You know the difference, but sometimes you might forget, or not recognize a new seedling as being from a seed you planted. Then there are the "volunteers", the plants that grow from the vegetable scraps and parings tossed into the compost. They can be wonderful, strong and sturdy plants, sometimes with surprising cross bread fruits and sometime true to variety.
Yep, the garden of my mind, the garden of your mind.
haiku ~~~~~under a wooden marker
Who once lived here ? Far back in this pinney wood? Forever rest in peace