Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Where are you? Full October Moon

I carried my camera and a hug mug of fresh coffee out past the sheltering row of  ancient Norway Spruce, to where I could almost see the horizon, though nestled  here in the woods, there is always a tree in the way,  and  there  were clouds.    Not that I was shocked by that, there had been clouds last  when I went to bed, but the Hunter's Moon  managed to  shine through, between them.   And when it was hiding behind them it lit the sky with a silvery glow.
 But then, there was only a silvery glow above the tree tops to the west.  No pictures for sure I though, and I was right.     But there was a reward in my getting up, besides how good the coffee tasted, stand there in the relative darkness, listening to rustling leaves, soft breezes, the sound of a distant coyote, and even an owl.   A spell cast by the Full Blood Moon, a calmness, an anticipation of the new day, and the feeling that the night, this night was like a warm cape wrapped around me.  

Predictions have been made about this Full Blood Moon,  and any lunar or solar eclipse for that matter.   The these events are part of the natural and calculateable  order of the heavens.   The 'blood' color, is caused by shadow, and based on other lunar eclipse's I have viewed, looks more like root beer brown, than red .   The red color does recall the Hunter's Moon and the blood of the harvested animal that fed the Hunter's family. 
~~Belinda Shipp

~~Neeraj Manda
Traditionally this is the Harvest Moon, Wild Wind Moon, Falling Leaf Moon, Gathering Moon, Halloween or Samhain Moon, Ivy Moon, St Michaelmass daisy Moon, Rutting Moon, Frozen water Moon, Foggy Morn Moon, Frost Moon, Turkey Moon, New Clothes Moon,  Birds flying (South) Moon. Maple Leaf Moon, Leaves Dancing Moon.      Rustling Leaves Moon,  Quiet Woods Moon,  or something about needing a jacket, or something like Laughing Children Moon  just thinking about the Trick or Treaters.     Anticipation moon, for the coming winter and the coming Holidays.    Fall Blues Moon for those who's reminiscing and dread of winter, yes, well you know.  
There is a certain magic in this moon, a friend mentioned The Stonehenge Moon, evoking the mists of long distant past, those who also looked at the Moon in wonder, those who came before us and those who will be here after we are long gone.   All of us under the same Moon.
Dear Readers for you enjoyment , and amazement, I share this with you.

a few words from Steven Hawking

      "the greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge." Here are some other quotes by Stephen H...