Monday, September 8, 2014

September moon, the Looking Backward Moon

The full Moon of September,  is again a supermoon,   it is nearer the earth, and therefore appears  larger. The moon always seems to look larger near the horizon no matter what moon it is, anyway that is my observation, and I was glad to find I am not the only one with that opinion.

 Gathering in Moon,  Harvest Moon and Hunters Moon are names it is also known by,  I don't know if it is true or not, the light from this full moon is said to have been used to for these vital  activities. Vine Moon, Turkey Moon, Acorn Moon, Apple Moon, Nut Moon, Chestnut  Noon, the first frosts will be here soon and after that they will be dormant under the snow.  The time to get in those last few apples, or go on a road trip, make repairs and gather supplies, before the biting cold of winter winds.

The Falling Leaves Moon and the Turning Leaves Moon, Michaelmas Daisy Moon, Frost Moon, Singing Moon, Hazel Moon are among it's names. This year the September full moon  really does bring in the season of colored leaves, cork stalks and pumpkin patches, last of the garden pickles and crisp clear nights.

From some long distant reading, I remember this Moon being called the Looking Backward Moon.   I am not sure what it meant, though perhaps it was more like looking over your shoulder , the book was about the Old West,  perhaps looking back to Spring and Summer, or even looking back over ones life in general.    And then again to look forward again. 

a few words from Steven Hawking

      "the greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge." Here are some other quotes by Stephen H...