There was not much information on National radio Day, seems it's origins were in the 80s or may-be the 90s. Radio itself was invented about 100 years earlier. They were. and still are, a staple in American homes since the 1920s, there were also a hand crank models for those who did not have electric yet. The day when radio brought soap operas, serials like Little Orphan Annie and The Lone Ranger or dramatic programming are gone, though some of the programming is still available, complete with the crackling and static.

The huge furniture like tube radio sets, remnants of the previous decades still sat in people parlors. The man who repaired our TV in those days also repaired the furniture/radios. It always seemed so very strange to listen to the Rolling Stones on a set meant to play Gabriel Heeter's newscast, or Kate Smith. Listening to will Rodgers on YouTube strangely doesn't seem the same way, at least to me.
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