Tuesday, June 3, 2014

June holidays~~~ National Repeat Day

Repeat what, you might say, well how about June, June is a lovely month if you don't count the occasional humidly thundery day.  Let's repeat, let's repeat. Let's hope its a good day worth repeating worth repeating.  Repeat what ever pleases you, I repeat pleases you.
Or just repeat something and keep repeating it.

  • Aquarium Month
  • Candy Month
  • Dairy Month
  • Fight the Filthy Fly Month
  • Gay Pride Month
  • National Accordion Awareness Month
  • National Adopt a Cat Month
  • National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month
  • Rose Month
  • Turkey Lovers Month

Weekly Events:
  • Week 1 Fishing Week
  • Week 2 Email Week

June, 2014 Daily Holidays, Special and Wacky Days:
1 Dare Day 1 Flip a Coin Day 2 National Bubba Day 2 National Rocky Road Day 3 Repeat Day (I said "Repeat Day") 4 Applesauce Cake Day 4 Hug Your Cat Day 4 Old Maid's Day 5 World Environment Day 6 National Doughnut Day always the first Friday in June 6 National Gardening Exercise Day- Get out and exercise with your plants. 6 National Yo-Yo Day 7 National Chocolate Ice Cream Day 8 Best Friends Day 8 Name Your Poison Day 9 Donald Duck Day 10 Iced Tea Day 12 Red Rose Day 13 Blame Someone Else Day - first Friday the 13th of the year. 13 Friday the 13th 13 Sewing Machine Day 14 Flag Day 14 World Juggler's Day - Saturday closest to June 17th 15 Father's Day - third Sunday 15 Smile Power Day 16 Fresh Veggies Day TBD Nursing Assistants Day - First day of National Nursing Assistants Week 17 Eat Your Vegetables Day 18 Go Fishing Day 18 International Panic Day 18 National Splurge Day - Oh yeah!! 19 World Sauntering Day 20 Ice Cream Soda Day 20 Take Your Dog to Work Day Friday after Father's Day 21 Go Skate Day 21 Finally Summer Day- Summer Solstice 21 National Hollerin' Contest Day - third Saturday in June 22 National Chocolate Eclair Day 23 National Columnists Day 23 National Pink Day 24 Swim a Lap Day 25 Log Cabin Day 25 National Catfish Day 26 Beautician's Day 26 Forgiveness Day 27 Sun Glasses Day 28 Insurance Awareness Day - Now who do you think invented that!?! 28 Paul Bunyan Day 29 Camera Day 29 Hug Holiday 29 Waffle Iron Day 30 Meteor Day

a few words from Steven Hawking

      "the greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge." Here are some other quotes by Stephen H...