Sunday, June 1, 2014

"gave springtime a miss and went straight on to....

Winter was long and harsh and cold and how I longed for Spring.  And I waited, but not not so very patiently for it. 
And then spring came!
And it came with a rush
And a swirl of everything that had been waiting to bloom.
Everything blooming at once.
Every blade of grass, every tree every, weed, every seed
exploded to life.
One week it was sleeting and the next week
there were tiny leaves on the trees.
Rare sights!
And i relished them all,
Bridalveil bush
red flowering juice
wood Hyacinth
dog toothed violet
yellow lady slipper
apple trees
lily of the Valley
 all are in bloom at once.
I think it unlikely I will ever see this again.

Then there are the blossoms I don't know the names of.   Ah so many things, simple things that make my heart sing. 

The Old Farmer used to say that "if it's a good lilac year, it's gonna be a good garden year."    And so it goes on this first day of June, this first day of meteorological summer.

a few words from Steven Hawking

      "the greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge." Here are some other quotes by Stephen H...