Has come to town
With a yellow petticoat
And a pretty green gown.
The frilly old fashioned ones that really do look like Daffy down Dilly's petticoat can be found in the woods, each spring, where there is nothing but them, and I wonder, how they got there. I fancy that they were planted in line of sight of the kitchen window, a real treat for the housewife, that splash of color after months of snow and mud, wood ashes and icey paths. No rodent or other creature will eat them, they are nearly disease free, and very toxic. But the fragrance is subtle and refreshing.
The following pictures are the decedents
of bulbs planted behind a barbershop and candy store in the late 1940s, I am told the original were all the same color, white. There are drifts of them to be found through this and the neighboring townships. You will see them in long rows, or big clumps. scattered randomly among the trees and in one place even growing up between the railroad ties.
This makes me wonder if that is why the American Caner Society chose to have Daffodil Day as a fundraiser. This year is the 100th Anniversary of the American Caner Society, it is also the last year for Daffodil Days. When one was coming out of the grocery store on a clammy damp early spring day it was a treat to find someone offering bunches of daffodils for a donation to a good cause. Even though I have a yard full of daffodils. I always wondered why daffodils, why such a common flower, and then it hit me like a shovel to the head, because they are survivors.

Every little once in awhile I see a lone and lonely daffodil, and wonder how it got there.
Some even mark where family member were once buried, now long forgotten by everyone but the daffodils.