Sunday, December 1, 2013

Is it December already???

Last night
I did lay me down in
the dark chill of November

And awoke this morning to
the brightness of December
                                                                ~~birds and blooms
                                                                                                                          a time of wonders
my inner child remembers

there is magic
in the Yule fires embers
~~safe image

the colored lights
and glittering splendor
~~ Denny Carr
drifting off in anticpation
to sugarplum slumber

the years roll on
I'll not say the number
~~Hallmark cards

it surprises me still

my heart fills with wonder

~~Anne Moss

Full snow moon of February

    Wind,cold Full Snow Moon Winter wears it's ragged coat snow melting then falls again     February's Snow moon will be full on We...