It sure was fun to play store on a cold and dreary Sunday afternoon when the snow was too deep and the wind to fierce for even the most hardy child. It was time to raid the house for things to sell and set up the toy telephone and the toy cash register filled with play money both paper and coinage. Some of us had a few real coins and a cigarbox with homemade construction paper money. But no one had anything like these!
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Homemade toys are the things memories are made of. Wood scraps glue, some elbow grease and sandpaper, cutouts and some shellac....and a generous dash of pride, more than a dash of affection, and a pinch of imagination went into these.
In fact a playing store was about those things too, we set up the store and created our own dialogs often mimicking our elders, or someone we had seen in movies or on TV. playing store was a creative endeavor, after which we were expected to put everything away. Not that it always happened that way.