Thursday, September 5, 2013

a bit late

I'm a little late in greeting autumn this year. 
There is not an autumna' decoration to be found in or on my house, YET!

The memories of waxing  colored leaves and looking for chestnuts, acorn, beechnuts, milkweed pods and teasels to bring to school, our pockets full of anything and everything we could possibly find that we could show around, school and autumn were both adventures.  We were not looking ahead as far as winter, in fact most were only looking as far ahead as what we would find on the walk home.
September is also known as----
  • Classical Music Month
  • Hispanic Heritage Month
  • Fall Hat Month
  • International Square Dancing Month
  • National Blueberry Popsicle Month
  • National Courtesy Month
  • National Piano Month
  • Chicken Month
  • Baby Safety Month
  • Little League Month
  • Honey Month
  • Self Improvement Month
  • Better Breakfast Month
    September, 2013 Daily Holidays, Special and Wacky Days: 1 Emma M. Nutt Day, the first woman telephone operator 2 Labor Day First Monday of month 2 National Beheading Day 3 Skyscraper Day 4 Newspaper Carrier Day 5 Be Late for Something Day 5 Cheese Pizza Day 6 Fight Procrastination Day 6 Read a Book Day 7 Neither Rain nor Snow Day 8 Grandparent's Day - first Sunday after Labor Day 8 International Literacy Day 8 National Date Nut Bread Day - or December 22!? 8 Pardon Day 8 National Pet Memorial Day -second Sunday in September 9 Teddy Bear Day 10 Sewing Machine Day 10 Swap Ideas Day 11 911 Remembrance 11 Make Your Bed Day 11 No News is Good News Day 12 Chocolate Milk Shake Day 12 National Video Games Day - also see Video Games Day in July 13 Blame Someone Else Day - first Friday the 13th of the year. 13 Defy Superstition Day 13 Fortune Cookie Day 13 National Peanut Day 13 Positive Thinking Day 13 Uncle Sam Day - his image was first used in 1813 14 National Cream-Filled Donut Day 15 Make a Hat Day 15 Felt Hat Day - On this day, men traditionally put away their felt hats. 15 National Women's Friendship Day - third Sunday in September 16 Collect Rocks Day 16 Step Family Day 16 Mayflower Day 16 Mexican Independence Day 16 National Play Doh Day 16 Working Parents Day 17 National Apple Dumpling Day 17 Citizenship Day 17 Constitution Day 18 National Cheeseburger Day 19 International Talk Like A Pirate Day 19 National Butterscotch Pudding Day 20 National Punch Day 20 POW/MIA Recognition Day - Third Friday of September 21 International Peace Day 21 International Rabbit Day - Fourth Saturday in September 21 Miniature Golf Day 21 Oktoberfest, begins, date varies 21 World Gratitude Day 22 Business Women's Day 22 Elephant Appreciation Day 23 Checkers Day   24 National Cherries Jubilee Day 25 National Comic Book Day 26 Johnny Appleseed Day 27 Native American Day - fourth Friday of the month 28 Ask a Stupid Question Day (one of my favorite days) 28 National Good Neighbor Day - Always September 28, previously the 4th Sunday in month 27 Native American Day - fourth Friday of the month ~~~excerpted from Holiday Insights  And fancy that today the 5th is Be Late for Something, now that is what I call serendipitous.   it is also Cheese Pizza Day, but we are having leftovers anyway.

    Winter weather , Donovan, and housework

    Tis, not fit for man nor beast out there!!!  And it looks that it will be the same for at least few days {feels like years already}.   One, ...