Monday, July 22, 2013

the Mysterious, Blessings moon

After everyone had gone to bed, and the house was quiet, I sat in  my comfortable chair, facing the window and watched the almost full moon. thin veils of clouds passing over it's luminescent facial features, I don't know if the haze and humidity of July causes the luster from which the name Full Pearl Moon came.  As Luna floated there in perfect calm, fireflies twinkled past,  their searchlights announcing their presence.  I would have called this the Firefly Moon, but I already gave that name to June's full moon.
Earlier I had taken these pictures. wondering and hoping that the fireflys who seemed to react to the flash from my camera would  flash back, but I was disappointed  until  I saw the  tiny dots  of magical light on my screen.  This moon is sometimes known as the the Mystery Moon, and surely the firefly's light must be one of those mysteries. 
The more the clouds drifted, the more my mind drifted, gently drifted off nearly to sleep, when the sound of passing Eighteen wheelers  brought me back to where I was, glazing at the clouds and the moon,  whose brilliant lights shown through the holes in the cloud cover, creating a slowly changing arc of smaller moons, I would have thought I dreamed this ,  thinking of taking pictures or deciding to stay and watch, I chose to watch.
The Blessings Moon, the ripening berries and vegetables, soon the first fresh dug potatoes,over half of the growing season is over but there are many hot sunny days to come,  we are still in the Dog Days of Summer (July 3 to Aug 11) and the countryside is still rich, green and growing.  The hay bales are drying in the fields and some already in the barn in preparation for the coming cold months.   But for now, we have time to enjoy. 

Rain and clouds will hide Luna tonight, as a haze of humidity had made her appear like she was looking through lacy curtains.  the full moon of midsummer calm,  looks down and remembers.

Other names for this month's moon include, the Blueberry moon, Buck moon, Lightning moon, Ripe corn moon, Hay moon, Silver dollar moon, Berry moon, Dusty moon, Dog days Moon


Did he see his shadow???