Tuesday, December 11, 2012

National Noodle ring Day

There do seem to be an awfully lot of these national food holidays, and honestly I thought that this one was to celebrate one of my favorite, the hot and nourishing, well the makers say so,  I  just think its tasty a darn easy meal....SpagettiOs!!!!  SpagettiOs have never let me down, they really do deserve a day named after them.

National Noodle Ring Day

Celebrate Again on December 11th, 2012

A noodle ring, for those of you who don't know (and really, who does?), is made by mixing eggs and noodles together with ketchup, Worcestershire sauce and cheese and then, inexplicably, smashing the concoction into a ring mold to bake. In some variations, once the ring is released from the mold and properly plated, the center of the ring can then be filled with creamed chicken. Once a staple of mid-century cookbooks, the noodle ring has since fallen into obscurity. Can't imagine why

here is a recipe from The Big Oven

German Noodle Ring with cheese sauce

Another thing I noticed in my extensive research is that there were several references to the tinned cheese food product made by Kraft that would last in definitely and was frequently  and part of the American soldiers diet. I can't help feeling that that might have something to do with the creation of this day,  that and the fact that no one seems to know who or why this day was created.  I have never partaken of noodle ring, and I am not sure if I ever will.


1 cnoodles; *
1/2 tsPaprika
3 tbButter
1/4 lbCheese, swiss
1/2 tsSalt
2 Egg; well beaten
3 tbFlour
3 cWater; boiling
1 1/2 cmilk
German Noodle Ring with Cheese Sauce Preparation
Boil the noodles in salted water and cook about 10 minutes until tender. Drain and put into a well-greased ring mold. Melt the butter, add the flour and blend. Stir in the milk and continue cooking, stirring constantly until mixture thickens. Add the seasoning and cheese cut in small pieces. Cook until cheese melts. Reserve 1/2 of the sauce to use later. To the remaining sauce, add the well beaten eggs and mix well. Pour over the noodles. Set mold in pan containing hot water and bake at 350-F about 45 minutes. Unmold on large platter, pour over the remaining hot cheese sauce and fill center with any desired vegetable, such as peas and carrots, spinach or asparagus tips. Source: Pennsylvania Dutch Cook Book - Fine Old Recipes, Culinary Arts Press

So anyway tonight we are having......not Noodle ring.

Spring fever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and me.

Merry March! It has been a cold winter, with what seemed like way to many days with icy roads from freezing rain.  And iced over driveways, ...