Friday, December 28, 2012

Long Slumbers Moon


  Cold Moon,  Turning Moon, Moon After Yule, Moon of Darkness,  Pine Moon,  Quiet Moon, Rowan Moon, Owl Calling Moon, Elm Moon, Elven Moon(modern),Dreamers moon, Long nights moon, Long slumbers Moon, wishing Moon, Swirling Snows Moon

The thirteenth full moon of the year.  A silver orb that hangs in the velvet sky of this long dark night. only a week past the longest night of the year with most of the winter ahead. This is a time indeed for looking forward, making wishes and plans,and a time to look closely at ones surrounding.  A time to be open to the wonder around us.

haiku ~~~~~under a wooden marker

  Who once lived here ?  Far back in this pinney wood?  Forever rest in peace