Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Celebrate the days December, slightly edited by me

One of my favorite sourse for for a quick bit of information is About.com, so as i was looking up something entirely different I found this list of occasions to celebrate in the month of December.   Through the wonders of search engines, you can end up places you can end up with information better than when you started out to look for, well anyway I can.

December 1st

December 2nd

December 3rd

December 4th

  • National Cookie Day...so i had cookies for breakfast
  • Wear Brown Shoes Day...I don't have any, does this mean I have to go shopping????
December 5th

December 6th

December 7th

December 8th

December 9th

December 10th


  • Human Rights Day
    United Nations' Declaration of Human Rights in 1948.
  • Nobel Peace Prize Awarded
  • December 11th

    • National Noodle Ring Day.....HUH???
    • UNICEF Anniversary
      Established in 1946.
    December 12th

    December 13th

    December 14th

    December 15th

    December 16th

    December 17th

    December 18th

    • Wear a Plunger On Your Head Day....preferably a new one
    December 19th

    December 20th

    December 21st

    December 22nd

    December 23rd

    December 24th

    December 25th

    December 26th

    December 27th

    • Visit the Zoo Day
    December 28th

    December 29th

    December 30th

    December 31st

    The 7 Safest Mushrooms to Forage and Eat, guest blogger

      The 7 Safest Mushrooms to Forage and Eat Bill Heavey 8–11 ...