Thursday, October 18, 2012

digging for treasure

Each spring and fall for nearly the last 30 years I have spaded  my garden.   And today someone asked me if I was looking for treasure.  I started to laugh it  off, the people who lived here were had very little in material possessions.   they raised children and chickens and berries and baked bread, hunted and mended and tried to be self sufficient, as do we.  In fact I have found very few things, mostly shards of glass and pottery, a few clay marbles, a tiny cup, a tiny metal old penny, some complete jars and bottles back in the woods.
There is a treasure though, and that treasure is a peacefulness, and fulfillment, time spent with the beauty and majesty of  Gaia and the truths of changing seasons.  I find communion in the chickadees song.  The play of sun and clouds and the soft flatter of falling leaves,  stir the coals of excitement in my heart, recharging me and my sense of wonder.

HAPPY 91ST Mr. Baker!!!

  Happy 91st  to you Mr Baker