Sunday, April 24, 2011

A very happy Easter to you !

I love Easter, it is the a joyful holiday, one that has always had a remarkable feeling of lightness and hope for me. Probably because it so very often signals the start of Spring.
This year even though it is almost as late as it can be, and it feels much more like November than it does April....but enough of that.
So I packed up the us old chicks and went to visit my Mom....we brought a picnic lunch, and even though the rain kept us inside and there were no little ones around to watch as they hunt for eggs, it was a very good day. I hope yours was just as good.

November's full moon 15th

This full moon, the Full Beaver Moon will be at 7:26 EDT on the 15th. It is also a supermoon.       frosty breath cold air trees seem taller...