Saturday, January 8, 2011

Please pass the crackers.

When my son was young one of his very favorite stories was "The Very Hungry Thing", in which a huge beast comes to town and keeps asking for things like "boop and smakers " and "feetloaf". Unfortunately the townspeople have no idea what the is saying. Also obviously a town without any 4-year-olds, who would have caught on right away and had a good laugh at the slow witted adults.

This being the season for soups and having a little bit of this, a dab of that and whole lotta something else, plus a large container of homemade tomato juice....and can't forget that can of Great Northern beans that has been on the shelf forever, hey presto! it's whats for dinner.

Rambling on again, this time about winter in the pineywoods

and   So far winter has been wintery...too wintery.  Makes me think twice about the effects of global warming, winter is not my season. I th...