Friday, January 31, 2025

snow wisdom

 I have a real fondness for folklore, especially about the weather.  And when I  found these just as  the "Gelid January of 25"  was coming to an end, I knew it was a good time to post them.





Appalachian Snow Folklore 
•Birds active and flying low, beware of a coming snow.
•Chimney smoke hugging the ground; there snow will soon be found.
•When the ground and grass is dry at morning light, expect snow before the night.
•When heavy frost is on the grass, snow seldom comes to pass.
•When the moon carries a halo, it’s a sign of coming snow.
•When there’s lots of snow, a fruitful crop will often grow.
•Rabbits moving on a winter day, a heavy snow is on the way.
•If snow lays on the ground for 3 days it’s waiting for another snow.
•When dimmer stars disappear, rain or snow is quite near.
•When clouds move against the wind, Rain or snow is around the bend.
•When hornets build their nest’s extra high; Look for snow nearing your thigh.
•If snow on the ground won’t melt, it’s waiting for more snow, or it’s calling it in.
•If snow sticks to the sides of trees, another snow will come in 48 hours.
•If the sun shines while it’s raining or snowing, it’ll come again the same time tomorrow.
•If there is no snow in January, snow will come in March or April.

From the Foxfire Book.
Pictured is Banner Elk, North Carolina in Avery County





snow wisdom

 I have a real fondness for folklore, especially about the weather.  And when I  found these just as  the "Gelid January of 25"  w...