Marches' moon is also called the Worm Moon, but if there are any out and about tonight they are wearing their Carharts whist chewing and digging thru snow. In the back of my whimsy driven mind I think that knitting sweaters for earthworms might be a good project for the quiet time caused by the up coming snow storm. Though they are far from cute and cuddly they help make the garden grow and that makes me like them, ALOT!
The robins are here, in fact they have been here for awhile! This was taken of 2-27-17!! Though if I hadn't forgotten to put the card in my trusty, and usually with me camera I would have had a photo from a few days earlier. Perhaps I could call this the Hungry Robin Moon. Little robins are always calling to be fed, and I hope that these robins have plenty of little robins when it gets warmer.
Farmers Almanac has graciously aforded me with some interesting information to round out this post. You just gotta love the "Maniac Book", and imagine "Mad Jack" holed up in his trappers shack cussing out his well thumbed copy of his treasured Maniac Book .

Best Days in March 2017
Below are the best days for activities based on the Moon’s sign and phase in March.For Planting:
- Aboveground crops: 6, 7
- Belowground crops: 15-17, 25
For Setting Eggs:
- 12-14
For Fishing:
- 1-12, 27-31