Monday, March 6, 2017

a little thought

Here is my little thought for the day, and for my entire life.   Every morning my Dad would come down the steps and say  something like  "Cheer up better days are coming!'   And eventually they did.  Eventually they do.
And a nudge, or outright push from ones psyche sure can't hurt.

Abraham Hicks, said it well, and it works well , a passing thought becomes , a sustained thought, becomes an idea, then an action, and eventually a reality.  Not saying it works every time, but then what does??

As my regular readers have probably noticed I haven't been posting lately, if you guessed that it was due to internet machine failure, you are mostly correct, add into that illness in the family, and it is after all tax time, then there was this little thought,  what would it be like to be without the internet after having used it for sooooooo looonnngggg??   Turns out I did miss it, but not much.  I missed sharing my Blog, I missed the people I had come to know and correspond with and I missed the how-tos, recipes, instant info, etc. etc.  I always knew I would get back here I am.   What did I learn from this experiment?  I learned that Librarys are wonderful.

a few words from Steven Hawking

      "the greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge." Here are some other quotes by Stephen H...