Saturday, December 31, 2016

New years, superstitons or traditions, a ramble

For my newer readers who haven't heard the story, when I was 10 I decided to see what happened at 12 Midnight on Dec 31, my reckoning, remember that this was fifty years ago in a much simpler time, that it was something pretty spectacular.  So there I sat all curled up in a darkened house with the TV turned way down waiting to see the "ball" drop  in Times Square and the New Year begin, finally the countdown,  3-2-1 "Happy New Year" lots and lots of noise and confetti, while outside a few people were honking horns and shooting rifles, but everything seem to be over in a matter of a couple of minutes.   I was tired and crawled off to my bed. 
Every year since then I have managed to stay up and see the new year in, my all time favorite was the year that Dan Haggarty was a part of the celebration at some hotel with some host I can't remember.   Some years I had to set an alarm clock to make sure I was awake at the appropriate time.  Then there was the year that Dick Clark returned as host in spite  of having had a stroke,  that was so courageous, and so good to see.

One new year has otherwise mostly blended into the next, I sweep the thresholds and burn the trash, and start on the next days meal.  All that being done I settle down to the TV, or Facebook, or this blog and struggle to stay awake.  Perhaps the tall glass of water and ice laced with Old Crow, added to my mellowing, and tonight there is almost no traffic on the highway, save for those who are driving the  State trucks faithful plowing, scraping and applying anti-skid.  I have great respect for those folks.    But the silence is eerie almost other worldly.

New Year’s for the superstitious lot
On New Year’s Eve in 1921, the Columbus News published a list of superstitions and customs pertaining to this holiday. Montana is such a melting pot that customs, superstitions and traditions came from all over the world. Here is a synopsis of some of those:
•Quiet clear weather on New Year’s Eve means the year will be prosperous. But if the wind blows, it is a sign of pestilence.
•It is lucky to rise early on New Year’s Day, but if you wash clothes on the first day of the New Year, you will wash away a friend.
•If the ice melts on January first, it will freeze on April first.
•While the clock is striking midnight on New Year’s Eve, say this poem three times: “St. Anne St. Anne, send me a man as fast as you can” and you will be engaged within the year.
•Calling on friends is a longtime tradition on New Year’s Day. But in even earlier times, caroling was the custom. Bring the first carol singer who comes to your door on New Year’s into your house through the front door, take the caroler throughout the house and let him out the back door; it will bring luck to your household for the coming year.
•If the first person you meet on New Year’s Day is a man, you’ll have good luck; if it’s a woman, bad luck; if it’s a priest, you’ll die within the year; if it’s a policeman, you will have a lawsuit.
•Good luck will come to you if you place coins on your windowsill on New Year’s Eve.
Whatever your superstitions or traditions, party safely and have a prosperous New Year.

Ellen Baumler, Montana Moment
Ellen Baumler is an award-winning author and the interpretive historian at the Montana Historical Society.
Article Published On Great Falls Tribune

Ever since my bartending days, I have called New Year's Eve, "Amateur Night", and no I didn't make that title up, an older and wiser bartender did that for me.  You see some people have the perception that is the night when it is obligatory to get sloppy drunk.  Often these are people who don't drink during the year.  I mean really, what are they thinking??? But that is a whole nother ramble.

So with only minutes remaining to 2016 I wish you all abundance and happiness.
And just about the only thing I remember form 2 year of HighSchool Latin.
  Felix sit Annus Novus


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