Gentle readers, I wish you a bountiful Lammas.
Midsummer day, the first of August, often called Loafmass, because the first of the new wheat would be ground and made into bread, on this day. This is the beginning of the harvest season. Until this time of year, the bread was made from last years grain, and doubtless it was getting pretty old and pretty scarce. The thought of fresh bread from fresh flour must have been something to look forward to.
For a few weeks now I have been picking blueberries and raspberries, the early Spring/Summer has made for some truly early berry pies. The potatoes are ready to lift, and the peppers and tomatoes are weeks ahead of schedule. May-haps this the year I will finally harvest watermelons. I can remember a time when many fruits and vegetable were only available "in season", but we/I are spoilt by the availability of fresh produce from across the globe, in almost ever season.
Midsummer day, the first of August, often called Loafmass, because the first of the new wheat would be ground and made into bread, on this day. This is the beginning of the harvest season. Until this time of year, the bread was made from last years grain, and doubtless it was getting pretty old and pretty scarce. The thought of fresh bread from fresh flour must have been something to look forward to.
For a few weeks now I have been picking blueberries and raspberries, the early Spring/Summer has made for some truly early berry pies. The potatoes are ready to lift, and the peppers and tomatoes are weeks ahead of schedule. May-haps this the year I will finally harvest watermelons. I can remember a time when many fruits and vegetable were only available "in season", but we/I are spoilt by the availability of fresh produce from across the globe, in almost ever season.