Tuesday, July 19, 2016

july 19th full moon

First moon after the Solstice, though it doesn't seem like it,  as lightening crackles across the sky, and the heat and  humidity increases, we are inching closer to the cold, bleak days of winter.  The  Buck Moon, a name given to this full moon suggests strength,  this is the month when the antlers of both deer and Moose begin to grow.   In the late fall the rutting season will begin, a new  generation of fawns will begin, as the winter deepens the antlers will be shed, and when spring arrives the fawns will drop, beginning the cycle of life all over again. 

Thunder moon, Lightening moon, Heat moon
Summer Moon, Blackberry Moon, Berry Moon

Hay Moon, , during the first week or so of the month the hay is cut and left to dry for 3 days{or more} and then bailed up for winter fodder. Berries, begin to ripen, raspberries, blueberries and the earliest blackberries are ripe under the Gathering Moon.

The Green Bread moon, is my name for Julys full moon because the heat and humidity always make the bread go moldy.

a few words from Steven Hawking

      "the greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge." Here are some other quotes by Stephen H...