Thursday, December 3, 2015

Silent night

This morning, I woke up, thinking how it was time to decorate for Christmas.  As my readers know, I love to decorate for Christmas.  The gifts are nice, but shopping is a hassle and a half.  The cookies are good, especially with a cup of hot coffee, in a quiet house, listening to carols, and enjoying the glow of the tree.

Big fluffy flakes are falling and I have no where to go, and no cookies. But the radio is playing carols;  renditions on guitar of well known carols.  While Silent Night was playing I was thinking how perfect it was for the guitar, when I recalled it was written for guitar, or so the legend goes. 

Though I try very hard not to repost things, this is so beautifully and thoughtfully done I want to repost it,  I would love to repost it every year.
From the  homemade essence of a Pastor writing a song for his congregation, to the young girl gathering up the figures and placing them in the crèche,  to the wee little angle who  flips the switch and turns on the Christmas star, yes they all represent a part of what Christmas should be.

a few words from Steven Hawking

      "the greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge." Here are some other quotes by Stephen H...