Friday, January 6, 2012

Epiphany ramblings

You may call it Epiphany, 12th Night, Little Christmas, the feast of the Three Kings.  After you see what the Three Kings left fg\or you and cleaned the camel poop(black jelly beans) out of  the shoes you left by the door  for them to fill, it is near time to take down the lights , and all of the other bright trappings.  Read all of the newspapers and answer the notes, that got set aside during the holiday rush, sit back and enjoy the tree and the trappings without thinking about what needs to be planned for or done. Settle in for the cold season and dream about gardening, well if you are me you do that.
This is also the day for the blessing of the waters, originally this was connected to the the Baptism of the Christ by his cousin John the Baptist. 

Orthodox priests have long blessed the waters on either the 5th or the 6th.  Good water is becoming rare, and in need of prayers and healing attention from all of us.  Remember those creeks you played in and drank from as a child are very like too contaminated for people now.
  On a planet that is 3/4 ths or thereabout water covered, but there is precious little to drink, so make it a point to give your blessing to the waters and perhaps united we will stand one year to celebrate the return of clean waters.

HAPPY 91ST Mr. Baker!!!

  Happy 91st  to you Mr Baker