Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A walk in celebration

A few days before the start of 2011 I took my camera for a walk in the woods.

o"as dry leave before the winds came"

a tiny casualty of the bitter cold

Monday, January 3, 2011

The sun, and rainbows in the flour

The earth is the closest to the sun it will get all year today....sure doesn't feel like it.
Here is a link to a neato site that has all sorts of info about the 'sky show"

It is a cold but sunny day, the kind of bareground day that freezes the ground, which didn't freeze under the thick snowpack we had. This made walking in the garden, or off the path in the wood difficult. Any place where the ground wasn't packed down it had heaved up from the frost and when I walked on it it was like walking on evil pillows.
A Fierce beauty in it's own way
The kitchen is awash in tiny rainbows made by the numerous prisims, some old some new , some plastic, some glass and a couple lead crystal that are hung in the windows.
Rainbows being illusive things, and dependent on the viewing angle don't always photograph well.
But my reckoning this one is some sort of sign.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

I went shopping instead

I resolutely resolve not to make any New Years Resolutions.

And i solemnly swear I am up to no good.

I also plan on getting an extra memory card, so I don't miss great pictures like I did yesterday because my memory card is still in the computer. I didn't want stay home and cook sauerkraut, though Hoppinjohn and corn bread sounded good. And I had some coupons to redeem, and it would have been the third day in a row that I shopped.
I HATE to shop, really I do, but I was in a rut. Today, I think I'll stay home.

You will just have to take my word for it, it was a warm for January and rainy and the fog was thick, as "snow eating fog" usually is, and pretty much the roads were empty. Sorry, I don't have any pictures, but they would have been mostly whitish with a few ghostly outlines of trees or headlights or something.

guest blogger on 50 Marilyn Monroe Quotes

 Norma  Jean Mortenson,  thank you!         50 Marilyn Monroe Quotes That'll Make You Feel Empowered, Inspired and C...