Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Hidebehinder

I had a cyber conversation the other day about walking in the woods.
In fact I have had several such conversations lately, some started by the pictures I post here, most taken on my amblings, I feel very much at home in the woods, usually.

Time spent wandering the open fields and walking through the woods are like time spent in meditation to me, time slowed down, time as it was long before I ever walked this earth and time as it will be after I am no longer even be a memory. But before, I wax too poetic, the real
subject of this post is the creepy feeling your get, that you are being watched feeling, you know the one. You look around and there is nothing, you listen intently and there is no twig snap or foot fall, but you KNOW there is something watching you. You saw something, just a the smallest movement out of the corner of your eye. it was a leaf trembling, right? But it has left you trembling.

Rarely, do I have this experience, but I did the day I took these pictures. Perhaps there was something watching me, something more than the mosquitoes. I paused several times to listen, there are bear and coyote in the woods. neither of which I want to meet up with.
It was then I realized I was being pursued by The Hidebehinder, it is said by some to resemble a deer, but it has unusually long legs and can climb trees and pull your hair. Apparently it taunts its victim to death and then devours then, if you ignore it, it will slink off and pout.

Now no one has ever seen this creature, it is very good at staying hidden, but they know it is the reason loggers would disappear into the woods forever, the reason wandering children were never seen again. Curiously this critter is driven off by the smell of alcoholic beverages. It's big, its small, it is bloodthirsty, it is shy, but it won't steal your Jack Daniels.

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