Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Snus tins, however you pronounce it

Duct tape is "the handyman's secret weapon" as Red Green would say.
Snuss tin, is the handiest storage know to man. The folks at Camel knew what they were doing when chose that is almost worth taking up chewing to have those little tins.
But it is much better if you know someone who chews and considers them, after the first 100 or so to excess.
So far I have used them to store. pennies, washers and screws that are for something around the house, but I can't remember what, those extra little lights on the Christmas light string, nuts. both edible and hardware. little batteries, heirloom seeds, trapping pinebugs, storing my collection of square cut nails, and beads dug from the garden, old military buttons, a couple of watches that need batteries, they hold enough new nails to male them worthwhile, thumbtacks and rubber-bands, pen nibs, erasers, some pretty beads, some ugly keys, fuses. well you get the idea.
They look so nice and tidy all stacked up there, five rows of seven tins each.
Only I didn't label them.

Guest blogger on Tsougrisma: The Greek Easter Egg Game

It's nearly here!   Tsougrisma: The Greek Easter Egg Game   Wooden spoons and a straw nest holding Greek red Easter eggs.   © Provided ...