Thursday, November 26, 2009

The mouse that made me Roar

A mouse in the house is nothing new, especially if you live near the woods and/ or fields. My house has been targeted by the mouse from HELL!
He or she cleans the traps without setting them off, leaves me little presents, and scoots merrily across the floor, taunting me.
You see the problem with mice is how cute they are, and they are cute, especially when they are caught in a trap. Whoops! sorry did I say that?? Anyway, I really thought they were cute when I was a youngster, and would put out snacks for them, until got caught doing it.

At one time a mouse chewed a hole in a potato sack, my parents set traps for the little cutie and one of the traps was set next to the sack of potatoes. Late that night we heard my mother shriek,we rushed to see what was the matter, as she was not in the least afraid of mice, we found her laughing uncontrollably, she couldn't speak, but she pointed to the trophy in the trap, it was a potato.

This morning as I was preparing some of my infamous red potato salad, I dropped a potato and it rolled under the counter, setting off a trap. It took awhile, but I stopped laughing long enough to write this.

May-be it is a sign, tonight may-be I will catch that mouse.

Guest blogger on Tsougrisma: The Greek Easter Egg Game

It's nearly here!   Tsougrisma: The Greek Easter Egg Game   Wooden spoons and a straw nest holding Greek red Easter eggs.   © Provided ...