Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Go Home said the Man in the Moon, go home

"Go home said the man in the moon, go home
Go home said the man in the moon,go home
cause it's getting kinda late
and I'll soon turn put my light
Go home said the Man in the moon go home."

I'm not sure who wrote that, I think it was Harry Nillson, but it became a popular lullaby, which it was not intended to be, around my house. And with the full moon fast approaching I look up in total wonder at this light in the sky, and there he is the man in the moon looking down on me and smiling his wistful smile. Thinking to myself, about all the times I hummed or sang those words, and the lullabies of other parents.....and the wonder in the eyes of children when they see the man in the moon. Long before us and long after our time is over.

Before you go to sleep on the night of this full moon, smile back at him.
Sweet Dreams

Full pink moon April 23

    phlox, wood hyacinth look up at the full pink moon dew glows in it's light